When an employer is faced with addiction problems at work, it is very unpleasant. It is also unpleasant for the employee. It is important to take a closer look at the definition of addiction. What is an addiction: Addiction is a state in which a person is physically and/or mentally dependent on a habit or substance, such that he/she cannot, or has great difficulty letting go of this habit or substance. The person's behavior is focused primarily on obtaining and ingesting the substance, or acting on the habit, at the expense of most other activities. When the body then has to let go of this substance or habit, severe withdrawal symptoms can occur in this person. (Wikipedia) An addicted employee may be less productive. Lying and stealing are recognizable. Behavior and commitment decline. This can be called indirect absenteeism costs. Frequently calling in sick and also for longer periods of time. This time is needed to regain strength or acquire resources. These are real absenteeism costs. The fact is that addiction is an illness. That is, the employer must deal with it as if it were a chronic illness. That means that employer and employee must take into account the Wet Verbetering Poortwachter. The employer must act as befits a good employer and the employee must cooperate in his recovery. Duty of care and reintegration are important here. The current work climate is causing an increase in people suffering from stress, depression and burnout. Compared to 10 years ago, recent research has shown an increase of no less than 25%. Linked to this work-related mental illness is also an increase in addiction. One fuels the other. Addiction problems cost society in general and a company in particular a lot of money. Addiction costs society billions of dollars. There are figures that the number of addicts in the Netherlands would be around 2 million. Difficult to establish. There are those who are actually registered because they seek treatment. But there are many who are addicted but are out of sight of registration. Apart from smokers. Those do not fall under the category of addicted because people do not normally seek help to get rid of smoking. Ultimately, you can also pass on these costs within a company. Prevention and establishing appropriate policies, employee education and training for managers are prerequisites for dealing with addiction problems. Interesting?