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iGene app
Raw data
PDF report
Personal characteristic
iGene app
Raw data
PDF report
Personal characteristic
Drug sensitivity
Message service
iGene app
Raw data
PDF report
Personal characteristic
Drug sensitivity
Message service
Lifestyle priorities
iGene app
Raw data
PDF report
Personal characteristic
Drug sensitivity
Message service
Lifestyle priorities
Understanding biochemical processes
The iGene Passport provides insight into your genes and offers reliable lifestyle recommendations based on your DNA profile.
Are you interested in taking a DNA test and want to know how it works? Requesting and performing a DNA test is very simple. You order the iGene DNA test of your choice. The DNA- will be sent to you and with this you can do the DNA sampling yourself by collecting some saliva.
Your DNA will be analyzed in a university medical genetic research laboratory. After about 6 to 8 weeks, your iGene Passport will be ready. You can view the results in the iGene app or download them as a PDF report.
Request the test from BeterKliniek so we can also provide you with immediate or later advice based on your symptoms. Michael van Gils of BeterKliniek is one of the iGene Certified Professionals (iCP'ers) who can work with you to put the information from your DNA into a broader perspective. Who offers guidance in turning this knowledge into a personal health plan. Who ensures that you actually bring out the best in yourself!
Get even more out of your iGene Passport
With an iGene Certified Professional
The name DNA self-test says it all (see also DNA tests for sale on this site). With it you can discover all kinds of things about your DNA yourself. And take measures yourself in the field of prevention and lifestyle improvement. But did you know that you can get even more out of your iGene Passport?
Would you like to discover more about your own genes? And work on it under the guidance of a professional therapist? Then share your DNA profile with an iGene Certified Professional.