Department of Health and Wellness for Business (by Max Verhelst Bc-Hrm)

by: Max Verhelst With our new (Human Resources(HR))Department of Healthand Wellness for Businesses, the BeterKliniekcombines, where appropriate, health and HR aspects in order to obtain a better alignment regarding cause and effect of employee health problems. Through this unique combination, a solution can be offered for health problems andthe mapping of work-related aspectsand their specific treatment. Through this new (HR) department can be analyzed what might be going on. Is the work pressure too high, or is one not always assertive enough, or does one suffer from a latent labor conflict, fear of reorganization? On the basis of a careful HR intake, the possible cause and possible solution(s) can be sought more effectively. In other words, both cause and effect can be better treated. In a turbulent labor market with increasing technological developments, changed laws and regulations, and many other social influences, problems are already noticeable now and will certainly be noticeable in the future and may increase in size. The BeterKliniek wants to approach these problems in an innovative way by dealing with them on the two different levels described above. Whatever the future of work entails this will undoubtedly affect the resilience and vitality of working people in the Netherlands. One of our spearheads is The Lab of Life training.A training that has been scientifically developed in the field of behavioral change because we know that autonomy and authenticity are essential conditions for successful change. The Better Clinic believes it is important to involve employers in health and wellness issues for their employees. The Department of Health and Wellness for Business isaccessible to both:

  • Employer
  • Executive
  • Employee

For the employee, it maybe important that they need to gain more insight about themselves. "I want to change but have a problem actually doing it." What do you actually know about yourself? How can you possibly become more effective? Do you suffer from stress and possibly depression coming from work? For the supervisor, it may beimportant whether they know what coaching styles are and how to use them more effectively. Again, knowledge and insight about one's own person may be important in order for a manager to be able to deal with the different leadership roles as effectively as possible. For the employer, it can be important to have the right vision and resources. What do you want to achieve and how do you want to do it. Here, good leadership and sufficient suitable and motivated staff is crucial to achieve your goals (as best as possible).

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