Attention Problems
Attention deficit disorder (also called attention deficit disorder (ADD)) is a condition in which there is a greatly reduced ability to maintain adequate attention to activities. According to a widely used manual for the classification of mental disorders, the DSM-IV, ADD is a subtype of ADHD (ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type (ADHD-PI)), and is the so-called predominantly inattentive type, characterized by attention deficit disorder and concentration problems. ADD is associated more than ADHD with depression, anxiety disorders and poor performance. Behavioral problems are less prominent. Research shows that ADHD or ADD occurs in 1 to 4% of all children and that at least a third continue to suffer from it as adults. ADD and ADHD occur in people of all educational levels.
BeterKliniek uses multiple disciplines (homeopathy, nature, orthomolecular and epi-genetic medicine). BeterKliniek is looking for how and why a disease arose. It seeks to restore health by getting to the root cause of a particular condition, that is, by addressing the "root of the evil," which is different in each patient.
The model of BeterKliniek is to put a patient at the center and to search in cooperation with the patient for the underlying cause of his/her illness and to find out what is still optimally attainable. We look at (epi)genetic, biochemical, biophysical lifestyle factors. The primary goal is to find the cause of a particular condition and not to treat the symptoms. Very important here are the triggers that caused a condition. Triggers may include the inability to break down exorphins, vaccinations, infectious diseases, poorly functioning intestines as well as stressful events such as job loss, loss of a loved one or divorce.
An infectious disease such as Pfeiffer or Lyme, as well as other infectious diseases, can cripple the function of mitochondria.
Can BeterKliniek do anything for you?
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