
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential coenzyme that plays an important role in several biochemical processes in our body, including energy production, DNA repair and gene expression. Recent scientific studies have shown that NAD+ may play a crucial role in regulating aging processes and promoting overall health. This article will examine the role of NAD+ in the body, discuss its potential benefits and the scientific studies and sources that support these claims.


1.     What is NAD+?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme involved in redox reactions in the cell. It acts as an electron carrier and plays a key role in energy production. NAD+ consists of a nicotinamide ring, an adenine base and two phosphate groups. It can be converted into two forms: NADH (reduced form) and NAD+ (oxidized form).


2.     Role of NAD+ in the cell:

a)     Energy transport: NAD+ acts as an electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation, transferring electrons from nutrients to NAD+ and then to the respiratory chain, where ATP is produced.

b)    DNA repair: NAD+ is essential for the functioning of certain enzymes involved in DNA repair mechanisms, such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) enzymes.

c)     SIRTUIN enzyme activation: NAD+ is a cofactor for sirtuins, a class of enzymes involved in regulating various processes in the cell, such as gene expression, stress response and aging.


3.     Relationship between NAD+ and aging:

Recent studies have shown that NAD+ levels decrease over time, and this decrease is associated with aging processes and the development of age-related diseases. The decrease in NAD+ can impair the functions of sirtuins, leading to impaired DNA repair, increased oxidative stress and dysregulated metabolism.


4.     Benefits of NAD+ supplementation:

a)     Enhanced energy production: NAD+ supplementation can improve mitochondrial function and increase energy production in cells.

b)    Delayed aging: Increased NAD+ levels can stimulate the activity of sirtuins, which can lead to delayed aging and increased longevity in various organisms.

c)     Improved metabolic health: NAD+ plays a role in the regulation of metabolism, including glucose and fat metabolism. Supplementation with NAD+ can improve metabolic health and help prevent the development of obesity and diabetes.


5.     Scientific studies and source references:

a) Imai, S., & Guarente, L. (2014). NAD+ and sirtuins in aging and disease. Trends in cell biology, 24(8), 464-471.

b) Gomes, A. P., Price, N. L., Ling, A. J., Moslehi, J. J., Montgomery, M. K., Rajman, L., ... & Sinclair, D. A. (2013). Declining NAD+ induces a pseudohypoxic state disrupting nuclear-mitochondrial communication during aging. Cell, 155(7), 1624-1638.

c) Canto, C., Menzies, K. J., & Auwerx, J. (2015). NAD+ metabolism and the control of energy homeostasis: A balancing act between mitochondria and the nucleus. Cell metabolism, 22(1), 31-53.

d)    Yoshino, J., Baur, J. A., & Imai, S. I. (2018). NAD+ intermediates: the biology and therapeutic potential of NMN and NR. Cell metabolism, 27(3), 513-528.



NAD+ plays a crucial role in several biological processes in the body, including energy production, DNA repair and gene expression. Scientific studies have shown that decreased NAD+ levels may be associated with aging processes and age-related diseases. NAD+ supplementation may offer potential benefits such as improved energy production, delayed aging and improved metabolic health. However, more research is needed to understand the full scope of NAD+ benefits and to determine the optimal dosage and duration of supplementation.

Note: Although this article refers to scientific sources, it is always important to verify the information and approach it with common sense. Always consult a qualified health care provider before making any changes to your diet or supplement regime.