Psychomotor development refers to changes in a child's cognitive, emotional, motor and social abilities from the beginning of life during the fetal and neonatal periods, infancy, childhood and adolescence. It occurs in different domains and a wide range of theories makes understanding child development a challenging undertaking. Various models have attempted to interpret the origins of human behavior, the pattern of developmental changes over time, and the individual and contextual factors that might drive children's development. No single theory has been able to explain all aspects of child development, but each can contribute an important piece to the puzzle about child development. Although theories sometimes disagree, much of their information is complementary rather than contradictory. Knowledge of child type development and related theories and models is very useful for clinical practice, leading to recognition of developmental disorders and ways to approach and treat them. This chapter reports traditional and more modern concepts around functional development of psychomotor abilities, first more generally and then specifically in the motor domain.
Treatment BeterKlinic
BeterKliniek is the clinic for Integrative Medicine that bridges regular and non-regular medicine.
An van Veen (physician) and Michael van Gils (therapist) look for the cause of a condition or disease. That is where the treatment starts otherwise, as people often say, it is 'carrying water to the sea'. We call this cause medicine. Sometimes it is also desirable to treat the symptoms (at the same time). We call this symptom medicine.
Chronic disorders often have their cause in epi- genetics. You can schedule a free informative telephone consultation (phone number 040-7117337 until 1 p.m.) at BeterKliniek to discuss your symptoms so that we can provide you with further advice.