What is it?

Lichen Sclerosus is a fairly common skin condition. It can manifest anywhere but often you see it on the genitals. In women on the vulva and in men on the penis.

Lichen sclerosus are small white spots that appear spontaneously on the genitals. Lichen means "spot" and sclerosus means "hardened. The skin at the site of lichen sclerosus does not feel normally supple, the elasticity is out. There is formation of too much connective tissue, scarring. The skin may break down, there may be wounds and sores in it.

Because the complaints often start with itching, people often think of a fungal infection first and are often not diagnosed correctly until later. Moreover, these complaints belong to the taboo area and people only take action when they have really serious complaints.

The condition is characterized by inflammation. Because the cause is not clear, there may have been a bacterial or viral infection, which causes this condition to develop. It can also sometimes be associated with an autoimmune disease.

In rare cases, untreated, it can lead to labia cancer.

It is a benign condition. The cause is not known. It is not contagious. It is not hereditary.


Who gets Lichen Sclerosus?

Lichen sclerosus is most common in women, on the labia. It can develop at an early age. Often the symptoms disappear again after puberty. Men can also have it, usually on the penis, on the head of the penis or the foreskin. In rare cases, it can also occur elsewhere on the skin. About 2% of the population has this condition. It occurs in all ages and in both men and women. However, in women it is 6 times more common, especially after menopause.


What complaints does it cause?

Itching and pain are the most frequently mentioned complaints.


How can this condition be recognized?

The skin turns white, in women both on the labia and around the clitoris. Furthermore, shape change of the labia often occurs. A gynecologist and dermatologist can recognize this fairly quickly. When in doubt, a biopsy (piece of tissue) may be taken and examined.

How is Lichen Sclerosus treatable?

The regular treatment consists of medicinally (corticosteroid) and greasing ointments. This does not combat the condition, but it does combat the effects due to the condition. In men, circumcision of the penis (circumcision) may additionally be considered.

Treatment BeterKlinic

Treatment starts with modulating the immune system through targeted nutritional advice, medication, supplementation and a special ointment. We already have many good experiences with the aforementioned advice. During the intake consultation we can also discuss the treatment method with the Indiba Activ. This method is often used for conditions that require tissue repair.

BeterKliniek features the Indiba Activ. An advanced system based on a constant 448 kHz radio frequency. It activates bio stimulation (stem cell regeneration) and microcirculation (blood flow). It activates intra- and extracellular ion movement, increases cell membrane permeability and cellular metabolism. Restarting cellular exchanges and restoring electrical balance improve the natural processes of wound healing and tissue regeneration.