Staying healthy longer thanks to the knowledge of your genes

It is scientifically proven that you can make a big impact on your own health with your lifestyle. If you incorporate healthy patterns into your daily habits, you can live up to 15 years longer. And it's a lot easier than you might think. Order your DNA test today, the smartest way to stay healthy longer.  

Curious about your own genes?

With a DNA test you can easily gain insight into your own genetic predisposition to various disorders. We also use your DNA profile to make statements about your sensitivity to certain medications. You will also receive information about various personal genetic characteristics.

Reliable personal lifestyle advice

General lifestyle advice proves difficult for many people to follow in practice. That's why we give you lifestyle advice based on your DNA profile. As a result, you immediately see on which fronts you can gain the most and you can easily set priorities. And: all the information we provide is scientifically validated. Nice and reliable.

How does it work?

Applying works very simply. You order the DNA test. We analyze your DNA in a university medical genetic research laboratory. And after about 6 weeks, your analysis is ready and you will be called by our nurse for an appointment. Read more....

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