What is the Better Brain Protocol?

Better Brain Protocol: Infusion NAD+

The Better Brain Protocol frees you from the cravings of addictions, alcoholism, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic or acute stress, fatigue, brainfog, concentration disorders and from depression or anxiety disorders. 

BeterKliniek's Better Brain Protocol is a clinically proven way to overcome these conditions, without the debilitating withdrawal symptoms, the incessant craving or sighing, or the interminable therapeutic treatment regimens. 

Infusion NAD+

Recently at BeterKliniek we have been able to administer NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide ) intravenously. Intravenous administration is done through an infusion, which increases the concentration of NAD+ in the blood in a safe and effective way.

Leading universities have conducted research on NAD+ as a potential therapy for (age-related) degenerative diseases. Substantive and compelling research shows that NAD+: possesses a unique ability to protect tissues, can effect DNA repair, Extends life and rejuvenates cells.

It has long been known that NAD+ plays an important role in transferring energy - released from glucose and fatty acids - to the mitochondria so that it can be converted into cellular energy. Without sufficient NAD+, energy transfer in cells will be greatly reduced, accelerating the aging process due to mitochondrial dysfunction.

How does the brain work?

During treatment, neurotransmitters will begin to recover and receptor sensitivity will also increase. This allows neurotransmitters to be better absorbed into the cell. A sense of sharpness, clarity, and improved mood are then experienced. But through this process, underlying negative, repressed emotions may also surface more easily. 

Neurotransmitters and receptors

For each type of neurotransmitter, the recipient neuron has specific receptors on its surface. When neurotransmitter molecules bind to a receptor, it causes electrical activity in the receptor of the neuron. The receiving neuron then releases the neurotransmitter molecules, allowing the sending neuron to absorb them back from the synapse, in a process called reuptake. This process completes the communication cycle.

Damaged receptors

If the receptors on the neurons are damaged, the neurotransmitters can no longer bind to the receptors. Thus, proper communication no longer takes place in the brain. As a result, certain very important substances are no longer produced, and actually the entire maintenance of the body and the brain gets out of hand. For example, the neurons keep sending out signals that they need certain substances. The body then starts asking for alcohol, drugs or food.

Rehab without withdrawal

Our NAD+ treatment allows us to help people suffering from alcoholism and other addictions. Our protocols are effective and enable people to get off addictive substances without withdrawal symptoms. This is because NAD+ is a detoxifying (= detox) body's own substance, which restores the brain and its receptors. At the end of treatment, 90% of patients report that they no longer have cravings.

PTSD, chronic stress and anxiety disorders

People with PTSD often enter a downward spiral. This is quite similar to the downward spiral of addictions. Like addictions, in PTSD, chronic stress and anxiety disorders, the endorphin receptors on neurons in the brain are damaged. In some, this results in addictions; in others, symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety disorders develop. Whether damage to receptors manifests itself in addiction, in PTSD or other disorders depends in part on genetic predisposition and environmental factors. 

Stress Relief

Chronic stress is the underlying cause of many degenerative diseases in our country such as high blood pressure, heart problems, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and many more. Stress was originally designed to get us out of life-threatening situations. But chronic sustained stress causes our bodies to become sick. Symptoms such as depression and anxiety and panic disorders are developed due to chronic stress. This puts us in the downward negative spiral. 

Effects of prolonged stress, drugs and alcohol

This can include unemployment, homelessness, depression, addictions and even suicide. In addictions as well as depression, anxiety disorders or PTSD, we often see a continuous downward spiral. The protocol restores neurotransmitter balance in traumatized individuals. The treatment has a 97.5% patient satisfaction rate (American clinical study) and 90% of patients have overcome even the worst PTSD with this protocol.

Structure of the Better Brain Protocol.

The treatment restores the balance of chemical signaling substances, the neurotransmitters, in the brain. Central to the treatment is the use of the clinically proven drug NAD, which is administered intravenously. The brain recovery protocol gives the brain the nutrients it needs to break the chronic stress cycle and restore the stress regulation system. When the brain is restored, it can return to its main task: to act as a control center for the body's recovery. Stress-related disorders can usually be treated in six days. This involves applying the brain recovery protocol, along with essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Our Better Brain Protocol

NAD+ is a detoxifying (= detox) body's own substance, which ensures the recovery of the brain and its receptors. The protocol consists of the use of intravenous and oral amino acids and vitamins. The program is directed by a team of experts with diverse disciplines: a physician, nurses, an orthomolecular therapist and a Patient Coaching Progress specialist.

What is NAD+

NAD is a coenzyme of Niacin. It is the main fuel for making energy in every cell of the body. Research in 1960 showed its effectiveness in detoxifying patients from alcohol, opiates, painkillers, etc. NAD deficiency in the cells of the brain leads to symptoms such as irritability, memory and concentration problems, depression, apathy, increased anxiety and panic and increased craving for alcohol, sugar or nicotine. The brain repair process restores the continuous supply of natural NAD coenzymes.

Effects of our NAD+ treatments

In more than 90% of cases, NAD treatment has effectively helped patients withdraw from addictive substances. In addition, NAD also improves health and well-being, which have been affected by years of substance abuse and/or suffering. 97.5% of patients are satisfied with their results from our treatment (US clinical research).

Improvements thanks to NAD+ treatment

Patients who have already received NAD therapy report the following improvements:

  • No more craving or sighing
  • Increased clarity of mind
  • Better problem-solving ability
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • More energy
  • Better mood


Your own commitment

Addictions, PTSD, depression and anxiety disorders are conditions that are both physiological (of the body) and psychological (mental) in nature. Our treatment supports overcoming these disorders on the physiological level. Combined with psychological counseling and advice from a Patient Coaching Progress Program specialist, patients are able to recover sustainably.