PEMF is a new treatment method for chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated discs, neck pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is PEMF?

PEMF is an "Energy medicine" and stands for "Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields" and is also called magnetic field therapy in the Netherlands.

PEMF uses a pulsating magnetic field rather than a static magnetic field and is based on the earth's vibrating magnetic fields. The earth's magnetic field is generated by superimposed deep layers of earth. Here metal layers slide against each other, which give these layers a charge and thus provide the earth with its magnetic field. This magnetic field is very important for the protection of the earth but also for the functioning of all organisms on the earth. The power of the earth's magnetic field does not only move the needles of a compass. It also plays an important role in our health. In 1964, Linus Pauling was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He discovered the magnetic properties of iron-containing hemoglobin. An important and substantial aspect of understanding the medical effect and use of magnetic field therapy. The importance of Earth's natural magnetic field to life became apparent during manned spaceflight. When the first space travelers returned to Earth, they suffered from various health problems. They complained of insomnia, fatigue, lack of concentration and depression. For this, space medicine specialists had no explanation. At a later stage, it became known that the main problem was energy exhaustion. This weakening was attributed to the absence of the effects of the Earth's magnetic field. The frequencies of the Earth's magnetic field are very low and vary somewhere between 1 and 50Hz. This is also known as the rumbling of the earth. These magnetic vibrations are constantly present and cause all cells of humans, animals and plants to be charged and energized. Once you shield yourself from this field or are outside of it, your body cells will not be able to sustain themselves properly and they will degrade. Unfortunately the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been decreasing more and more over the past thousands of years and also our bodies are less and less exposed to the Earth's magnetic field as we live and work more and more in concrete houses and buildings in modern life.

What are the beneficial effects of PEMF?

The many positive effects of PEMF therapy have been demonstrated in more than 2,000 clinical studies. PEMF therapy relieves pain conditions caused by trauma resulting from accidents, sports injuries, surgeries and burns. It also relieves pain symptoms resulting from chronic and degenerative diseases. PEMF therapy has complementary effects on many different levels, including mechanical, chemical, electrical and hormonal processes within the body's cells. PEMF therapy is used within: Complementary Medicine, Sports, Physical Therapy, and Veterinary Medicine The following positive effects can be attributed to PEMF: - Pain relieving - Anti-inflammatory - General strengthening of the immune system - Increased oxygen distribution in the body - Detoxification of body cells - Blood pressure lowering (15% - 30%) - Increased range of motion - Accelerated functional recovery - Increased ligament tensile strength - Accelerated wound healing - Improved capillary formation - Accelerated regeneration of nerve tissue - Reduced tissue shedding

Positive effects of PEMF

A 1995 study (Electromagnetic Fields - Therapeutic Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields for Soft-Tissue Healing) concluded that no harmful effects could be found by application of PEMF. PEMF has an effect on many components, such as detoxification, as well as an improvement in cellular metabolism, improving energy (ATP) production, among other things. At the same time, the transport of nutrients to the cells is improved. This transport ensures that sufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. are available. On the other hand, harmful substances (slugs) are transported out of the cell faster. Thus, the activity of all organs improves, resulting in an outright revitalization phase. The therapeutic effect of a pulsing magnetic field manifests itself in a general strengthening of the immune system, an increased ability to regenerate and an improvement in performance in all areas. In addition, magnetic field therapy also has a relaxing, de-stressing effect and keeps the immune system in optimal condition. It helps to keep the body in optimal condition. A selection in which magnetic field therapy can be used: ADHD, Chronic inflamed bowel, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Cardiovascular diseases, Migraines, Osteoporosis, Back pain, Muscle pain, Metabolic disorders and allergies, Problems with blood circulation, Muscle pain, Joint pain, Osteoporosis, Respiratory disorders and asthma, Sleep disorders, Fatigue, Reduced vitality, Acute inflammation, Chronic pain, Nervous disorders and stress, Sports injuries, Restless Legs Syndrome, Jet lag, Winter depression, Spring fatigue, ...

But what exactly happens at the cellular level?

PEMF has many positive effects on our cells, but what exactly happens?

Cell membrane and cell metabolism:

A body cell has a membrane to shield itself from the environment. This membrane is composed of fat molecules and has receptors( kind of antennas) with an electrical charge. This electrical charge is built up by the arrangement of positive ions on the outside of the cell membrane and negative ions on the inside. The better the arrangement of these ions the greater the voltage difference between the inside and outside. This cell voltage in a healthy cell is about 70 - 100mV and is necessary to give the cell a nice convex shape. If the tension of the cell decreases then the cell will come under less tension and the cell wall (membrane) becomes less tight and less of a shape. Just like a balloon that is partially deflated. Cell membrane and electrical charge. In (chronic) disease, cells lose energy, reducing the potential difference (electrical voltage) of the cells to 40-50mV and sometimes even to 20mV. Reduced cell voltage has a negative effect on cell metabolism (metabolic rate). The greater the voltage difference the better the permeability of the cell membrane for nutrients in and wastes out, thus the better the metabolism.

Cell metabolism

PEMF therapy induces energy building of the cell membranes to a healthy level of 70-100mV. The cell membrane potential is increased, improving the absorption of nutrients and stimulating the removal of waste products from the cell. Oxygen uptake is promoted and the cell environment is alkalized (deacidified). Cell metabolism of an unhealthy vs healthy cell. So once the pulsed magnetic field is applied, the electrical charge of the cells is restored, so the removal of waste products is improved, resulting in faster natural healing. The cell's metabolism is again optimal. This effect can be demonstrated with a live blood analysis.

Enumeration of effects PEMF at the cellular level:

- Improved intercellular flow - Increases absorption of nutrients into the cell - Increases removal of wastes from the cell - Stimulates ATP ( energy) production - Increases cellular energy - Increases oxygen level in the cell - Stimulates cell repair - Increases membrane tension

Red Blood Cells:

If the cell voltage of red blood cells decreases and becomes too low, by not moving around enough, for example, the blood cells will stick together more. Two equal electrical charges repel each other, but if the cell voltage is low then the cell has only a limited number of arranged positive ions on the outside and the blood cells repel each other little. They then start sticking together like a roll of money, preventing the cells from absorbing and transporting oxygen properly. This phenomenon is reversible under the influence of a pulsing magnetic field. Due to the pulsating magnetic field, the red blood cells regain a higher charge and begin to repel each other, allowing them to float freely again and to absorb and transport more oxygen.

Detoxification of cells by PEMF:

PEMF kan ervoor zorgen dat een lichaamscel beter ontgift en zich goed kan ontdoen van toxines zoals plastics, zware metalen en andere chemische moleculen. Doordat we helaas in een vervuilde wereld leven en onze lichamen blootgesteld staan aan hiervoor genoemde toxines, komen deze stoffen ook in onze lichaamscellen. Hierdoor kunnen de cellen slecht gaan functioneren en zelf muteren tot een kankercel.

Ion channels in the cell membrane

Cell membranes have special connections that are also called ion channels. These ion channels have the function of transporting special molecules inside when it comes to nutrients such as magnesium or calcium, for example. And there are other ion channels that are again there specifically for letting out waste products. These ion channels are by default in a closed position, and have a special way of opening, which happens only when the particular type of molecule needs to go in or out. But sometimes toxins (toxins or waste products) also enter these ion channels or even enter the cell. This clogs the ion channels and causes damage in the cell. Through the application of PEMF (Electromagnetic Fields), the membranes of the cells are shaken back and forth for a while, so to speak. This is because the charged ions attached to the membrane receive an impulse and react to the magnetic field. This allows the cells to shake off the toxins from the ion channels and eliminate them from the cell. The toxins will end up in the plasma and then must leave the body through the liver, kidneys and skin.

How does PEMF treatment work?

It uses a mat or some kind of lasso that you can place in different places on the body depending on the part to be treated.

Lasso PEMF Shoulder A very high voltage of often above 10,000V is used. This briefly sends a large current through the lasso, creating a strong magnetic pulse. All body cells present near the lasso are exposed to this magnetic field and treated in this way. This type of equipment pulses at a fixed low frequency of about 1Hz. This causes basically all types of cells to vibrate. The advantage of this type of equipment is that the magnetic pulse is very strong and thus the treatment time per area only needs to be short. The disadvantage can be that you can only treat a limited area of the body at a time.


Joint replacements and implanted prosthetics The benefit of using PEMF with joint replacements and implanted prosthetics Study by Dr. W. Pawluk MD VIEW THIS STUDY (WEBPAGINA)Early application of pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of postoperative delayed union of long-bone fractures: a prospective randomized controlled study. © 2013 Shi et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

PST Bone Cartilage Orthopaed Praxis 04 Eng Translation Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST) for bone and cartilage formation A postulate Orthopädische Praxis 9/2004, 40th ed.

Stimulating Treatment

  1. Lyle Cain, Jr, MD The application of electrical current has been proven successful in the promotion of bone growth response in the treatment of nonunions, delayed unions, and stress fractures.

Signal Transduction in Electrically Stimulated Cells. Carl T. Brighton, MD, PHD Wei Wang, MD Richard Seldes, MD Guihong Zhang, MD, PHD Solomon R. Pollack, PHD

Bone Defect Healing Enhanced by Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Stimulation In Vitro Bone Organ Culture Model Walter H. Chang Jimmy K. Li James Cheng-An Lin Hwa-Chang Liu1 Jui-Sheng Sun2

Bone growth stimulation Bone growth stimulation with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) in impaired fracture healing W.P.J. Fontijne (Department of Orthopedics, Academic Hospital Rotterdam, Dijkzigt) P.C. Konings (Medical student Erasmus University)

Effects of Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) in the treatment of chronic pain. A pilot study Dr. Yip Yu Lap, M.B.B.S. F.R.C.S., Head, Dept. of Surgery. Mr. Law Yuen Tung, Haed Dept. of Physiotherapy . Mr. Yeung Kai Kai, Staff, Dept. of Physiotherapy . Mr. Chu Lai Ying, Staff, Dept. of Physiotherapy . Mr. Hui Ying Kit, Head Clinical Laboratory, Pok Oi Hospital

Electromagnetic Fields for Bone Healing. S.A.W. Pickering, FRCS B. E. Scammell, DM, FRCS Department of Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK

Gossling et al Review Treatment of Ununited Tibial Fractures: A Comparison of Surgery and Pulsed Electromagnatic Fields (PEMF) Harry R. Gossling, MD Richard A. Bernstein, MD Joan Abbott, Phd

Habel Electrical Stimulation von Zellen und Geweben am besonderen Beispiel von Knochenzellen Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) im Fach Biophysik eingereicht an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät I der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin von Diplom-Biophysikerin Beate Habel geboren am 10.8.1971 in Gera.

Kahanovitz Electrical Stimulation and Spinal Fusion Neil Kahanovitz, MD Past President, North American Spine Society

Low-power electromagnetic stimulation of osteotomized rabbit fibulae. A Randomized Blinded Study D. Pienkowski, PH.D. S.R. Pollack, PH.D, C.T. Brighton M.D. PH.D N.J. Griffith, M.S. Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields in the Treatment of Non-Union B.J. Punt (Department of Surgery, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) P.T. den Hoed (Ikazia Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) W.P.J. Fontijne (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2008)

Stimulation of osteogenic differentiation in human osteoprogenitor cells by pulsed electromagnetic fields: an in vitro study Justus H.W. Jansen Olav P. van der Jagt Bas J. Punt Jan A.N. Verhaar Johannes P.T.M. van Leeuwen Harrie Weinans Holger Jahr

A double-blind trial of pulsed electromagnetic fields for delayed union of tibial fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1990 May Sharrard WJ. Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, England VIEW THIS STUDY (WEB PAGE)Electrical treatment of tibial non-union: a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial R.B. Simonis E.J. Parnell P.S. Ray J.L. Peacock VIEW THIS STUDY (WEBPAGE) COMPANY


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