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U kunt bij BeterKliniek terecht als u klachten heeft (Integrale Geneeskunde), autoimmuunziekten, pro/Anti -Aging en immuunondersteuning bij kanker. Het is mogelijke om losse behandelingen te doen maar ook behandeltrajecten. Maak een keuze uit de volgende items:
Integrale Geneeskunde
Integrale Geneeskunde
Autoimmune diseases
Pro/ Anti- Aging
Pro/ Anti- Aging
Immuunondersteuning bij kanker
Immuunondersteuning bij kanker
I literally had rheumatism!
Maybe I shouldn't say it that way but because of BeterKliniek's treatment, I have my life back. My rheumatism was getting worse and worse. The prescribed medication was no longer working. I did not know about the existence of integrative medicine, but my rheumatologist at the Erasmus hospital was not opposed to it. If it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt, he said. Try it and let me know I don't know much about it. In itself a nice man. He later called BeterKliniek and said he was going to follow BeterKliniek with interest.
Answer from BeterKliniek
Dear Johanna, Thank you for your comment we have been getting a lot of referrals from doctors and specialists in recent years
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All information available on the website is for informational purposes only. No rights and/or medical claims can be derived from this information. BeterKliniek strives to provide the most up-to-date website possible. Should the information be incomplete and/or incorrect or (temporarily) unavailable despite the efforts of the BeterKliniek editorial staff, no rights can be derived from it. BeterKliniek is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from any defect in the accuracy, completeness or availability of the website and/or its information. BeterKliniek is also not liable for information from third parties or websites of third parties that are not operated by BeterKliniek, but which are referred to on the BeterKliniek website via hyperlinks. Read more......